


Antioxidant, Anti-aging, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Alcoholism, Asthma, Cancer, Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, Liver disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Thyroiditis, Boosting the immune system, Memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, Osteoarthritis, Autoimmune diseases, Parkinson’s disease, Detoxifying metals and drugs, Cystic fibrosis, For preventing toxicity of chemotherapy.



Glutathione as we know is your body’s primary antioxidant for limiting cell and mitochondrial damage from free radicals. A tri-peptide of glutamine, cysteine and glyceine that is produced and used throughout every cell in your body. Unfortunately the benefits can only come if your body has sufficient GSH stores, and your body not only produces less glutathione as you age, the molecule is also depleted if are dealing with any health issues, exposed to any toxins, pollution, some medications, even some unhealthy foods.

Obviously the answer is to supplement glutathione, but there has been some debate over the oral bio-availability of glutathione.

As such patients seeking optimal exposure to the potential benefits linked to GSH have often used IV therapy. This is costly, inconvenient and short lived making the investment lose its appeal after the first few infusions. An oral equivalent to IV would offer those patients easier application and no doubt increase compliance.

S-Acetyl L-Glutathione is a variation on the widely available reduced, or L-Glutathione.

Acetylation in bio-chemistry and pharmacology means attaching an acetyl functional group containing a methyl group single-bonded to a carbonyl. In the case of GSH it is typically attached to the reactive Sulfur atom.

Adding an acetyl function group to create S-Acetyl L-Glutathione should protect the GSH molecule through the gut, and allow it to permeate the selective blood-brain barrier. An added benefit is the extra methyl group can theoretically bind to DNA providing DNA methylation benefits.

S-Acetyl L-Glutathione is orally active, unlike plain glutathione, and is stable in the intestine and plasma when absorbed and delivered directly to the cells for natural de-acetylation intracellularly. Plain glutathione delivered to the plasma by precursors, or intravenously must be broken down by enzymes to the basic amino acid components for absorption into the cell and require more energy expenditure to be re-constructed back to rGSH. It is known that disease states can block the re-assimilation of components into rGSH. Therefore, it is a better dietary/therapeutic decision to provide the orally active and absorbed S-Acetyl L-Glutathione which increases intracellular rGSH directly and naturally without increased energy expenditure and without being compromised from disease states.

Mitochondria are the cell’s fuel energy source and consume more molecular oxygen than other organelles within the cytosol. This creates Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which generate more oxidative stress. This is a reason why mitochondria are a main target for GSH to neutralise ROS and reduce oxidative stress. Entry and replenishment of GSH into the mitochondria is a critical step in maintaining intracellular health.

S-Acetyl L-Glutathione is used for treating cataracts, glaucoma, preventing aging, treating or preventing alcoholism, asthma, cancer, heart disease (atherosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia), hepatitis, liver disease, immunosuppression (including AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), maintaining immune function, memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease, people with ASD, detoxifying metals and drugs, cystic fibrosis, for preventing toxicity of chemotherapy, for treating male infertility, for preventing anaemia in patients undergoing haemodialysis, preventing renal dysfunction after coronary bypass surgery, shown to selectively induce apoptosis (cell death) in human lymphoma cancer cells.

GSH is regarded as a very valuable cell protector, via its direct effects on the quenching of reactive hydroxyl free radicals, other oxygen-derived free radicals and DNA damaging oxidative stressors and other biomolecules.

S-Acetyl L-Glutathione presently represents the best glutathione supplement in oral form available today.


This product is intendend for lab research and development use only. These studies are performed outside of the body. This product is not medicines or drugs and has not been approved by the FDA or EMA to prevent, treat or cure any medical condition, ailment or disease. Bodily introduction of any kind into humans or animals is strictly forbidden by law. This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals.

All product information provided on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.

Data sheet

0.10 kg