Bioregulator Peptides

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CARDIOGEN - 10ml/50mg
129,90 €
The short peptide known as Cardiogen has been shown to possess bioregulator-like qualities. According to research, the major impacts that it has are on fibroblasts, which are the cells that are essential for tissue healing and scar formation all across the body.   Total Spray: 82 (609 mcg per spray) FRESHLY PREPARED SOLUTION
EPITALON - 100 mg
139,90 €
Epitalon stimola il rinnovamento di tutto il corpo, iniziando dagli organi interni e procedendo verso l'esterno fino alla pelle. Dimostra una varietà di bioattività, tra cui le seguenti: - Miglioramento della condizione della retina oculare nella retinite pigmentosa - Anti-invecchiamento attivando la cromatina nella vecchiaia - Effetti metastatici antitumorali e antitumorali - Attivazione telomerasi - Allungamento dei telomeri - Sopravvivenza delle cellule, resistenza allo stress e cambiamenti ossidativi - Bilanciamento della secrezione endocrina, miglioramento della funzione della ghiandola pineale e aumento del rilascio di melatonina - Diminuzione dei livelli di cortisolo - Aumento degli enzimi antiossidanti - Aumento della salute del cervello
EPITALON - 10ml/200mg
218,00 €
Epitalon stimulates the renewal of the whole body, beginning with the inside organs and working its way outward to the skin. It demonstrates a variety of bioactivities, including the following: - Improving ocular retina condition in retinitis pigmentosa - Anti-aging by activating chromatin in old age - Anticancer and antitumour metastatic effects - Activation telomerase - Elongation of telomeres - Survival of cells, resistance to stress and oxidative changes - Balancing of endocrine secretion, improvement pineal gland function and increases the release of melatonin - Decreased cortisol levels - Increased antioxidant enzymes - Increased brain health   Total Spray: 82 (2,44 mg per spray) FRESHLY PREPARED SOLUTION
LIVAGEN - 10ml/100mg
179,00 €
A brief bioregulatory peptide called livagen directly affects the structure and operation of DNA. It is most recognized for its capacity to decondensed chromatin, which enhances the "youthful" profile of cells and increases the expression of certain genes. The immune system's lymphocytes have been the subject of the greatest research. Livagen has been shown to work via these cells to stimulate the immune system and combat diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, immunological system, or central nervous system. In terms of nociception and pain management, livagen research has also been promising. The potential of Livagen will be further unlocked by ongoing study, which will also advance human knowledge of the aging and senescence processes.   Total Spray: 82 (1,22 mg per spray) FRESHLY PREPARED SOLUTION
LIVAGEN - 50 mg
98,00 €
A brief bioregulatory peptide called livagen directly affects the structure and operation of DNA. It is most recognized for its capacity to decondensed chromatin, which enhances the "youthful" profile of cells and increases the expression of certain genes. The immune system's lymphocytes have been the subject of the greatest research. Livagen has been shown to work via these cells to stimulate the immune system and combat diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, immunological system, or central nervous system. In terms of nociception and pain management, livagen research has also been promising. The potential of Livagen will be further unlocked by ongoing study, which will also advance human knowledge of the aging and senescence processes.
149,90 €
The synthetic peptide Epitalon has been changed to become N-Acetyl Epitalon Amidate. It is a synthetic epithalamin derivative and a possible telomerase modulator. According to research, Epitalon promotes telomere lengthening, which may help the body combat the consequences of aging. According to studies, N-Acetyl Epitalon Amidate controls the following activity: - Activates telomerase - Elongates telomeres - Promotes the survival of cells, resistance to stress and oxidative changes - Balances the secretion of endocrine, improves pineal gland function and increases the release of melatonin - Attenuates excess secretions of cortisol from higher levels - Increases antioxidant enzymes - Increases brain health, stops brain cell aging and remodelling - Restores quality of life and extends lifespan by performing the above-mentioned functions Warning: The acetylation and amidation make the peptide less polar, and consequently less water soluble.
PINEALON - 100 mg
199,00 €
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A small number of peptides may attach directly to the DNA to trigger biological processes, however, the majority of peptides interact with receptors to have an impact on the body. The Pinealon peptide, one of these bioregulator peptides, has neuroprotective effects and is a very promising candidate for use in the treatment and management of a variety of neurological illnesses. Pinealon is known to have effects on the central nervous system that change behavior and also shield neurons and other cell types from oxidative damage. The capacity of this peptide to cross the nuclear membrane, cellular membrane, and the blood-brain barrier is by far its greatest benefit. This is one of the explanations for how it can communicate directly with DNA molecules. Pinealon has been linked to potential uses including: - Anti-Aging effects -Neuron Protection - Treatment of depression - Treatment of brain disorders including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease - Memory enhancement - Sleep Reagulation
PINEALON - 10ml/100mg
210,00 €
A small number of peptides may attach directly to the DNA to trigger biological processes, however, the majority of peptides interact with receptors to have an impact on the body. The Pinealon peptide, one of these bioregulator peptides, has neuroprotective effects and is a very promising candidate for use in the treatment and management of a variety of neurological illnesses. Pinealon is known to have effects on the central nervous system that change behavior and also shield neurons and other cell types from oxidative damage. The capacity of this peptide to cross the nuclear membrane, cellular membrane, and the blood-brain barrier is by far its greatest benefit. This is one of the explanations for how it can communicate directly with DNA molecules. Pinealon has been linked to potential uses including: - Anti-Aging effects -Neuron Protection - Treatment of depression - Treatment of brain disorders including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease - Memory enhancement - Sleep Reagulation   Total Spray: 82 (1,22 mg per spray) FRESHLY PREPARED SOLUTION
119,00 €
The treatment of one of the most common urological diseases, a chronic aseptic prostatitis, is an exigeant problem. Used methods of pharmacotherapy are insufficiently effective and after treatment, as a rule, there comes a recrudescence. The new prostatotropic agent Prostamax is related to bioregulator peptides at experimental chronic aseptic inflammation of prostate gland. It is established that Prostamax reduces intensity of signs of a chronic inflammation, prevents development of sclerotic and atrophic processes and intensifies sexual activity of animals. Efficiency of the preparation Prostamax surpasses that among widespread prostatotropic agents derived from